Preparing Soil in Spring to Grow A Healthy Lawn
Spring is around the corner as you see daffodils and crocuses popping from the ground. It is time to prepare your lawn for the growing season. The first thing is to get your gardening tools and equipment out from the shed. Make sure that your lawnmower gets tuned up, so it performs well all the time.
You will also need a compost or fertilizer spreader to topdress the lawns. If you don’t have a topdresser or spreader equipment, then visit to check on the self-propelled Ecolawn applicator.
Topdressing is a back-breaking task, but with Ecolawn applicator the time consuming and the hard process is made easy and quick. Let’s get into the process of preparing the soil in spring for growing a healthy lawn.
Rake deeply
There is a thatch layer on top of the soil, which includes deadly grass tissue lying above and root system below. If this layer is very thick then your grass growth can suffer. There may even be matted patches, where grass blades stick together. It indicates snow mold disease. Besides, new grass can find it hard to penetrate matted patches. Therefore, rake deeply along with fallen leaves.
Soil compacts in lawn areas that experience heavy traffic like playing and running. Moss blooms on this compact soil because of lack of aeration. Aeration can be done with lawn aerator equipment. You can rent it from a hardware store. However, it is not advised to aerate in spring because weeds are the first to germinate in spring.
Therefore, aerating compacted soil time needs to be scheduled around Memorial Day because weeds begin growing but there are still no seeds.
Evaluate soil
If moss coating is seen on the ground, it means the soil is acidic. Grass needs a neutral pH level. You will need to add grounded limestone for neutralizing the acidic level. Make sure to send a soil sample to the laboratory to determine the amount of limestone powder to apply because too much mine is also not good. You can use the Ecolawn applicator to spread the lime with ease.
If you see bare patches then there will be a need to seed those areas. The overseeding process means sowing seeds over the existing grass. While overseeding, add slow-release nitrogen fertilizer.
Use organic fertilizer made from mulch and compost to fertilize the lawn. The amount of fertilizer to be used in spring must be light because too much can cause weed issues and diseases. It is preferable to fertilize in late fall because your grass can still have its feed in spring.